6 Permissions
ljoonal edited this page 2019-02-07 00:48:07 +02:00


Basic understanding

The config/default_permissions.json configuration file has the default permissions for all of the guilds, config/<guildid>/permissions.json files have all of the permissions configuration for the specific guilds in them.

The "default" group is granted for everyone by default, do not ever remove it.

Always have a blacklist or whitelist array under a group, even if it's just an empty array. This makes sure that you mean to use that. If both blacklist and whitelist are set, only the whitelist will be used.

Guide for manual usage

This will be removed from the wiki once the permissions system works with commands.


Please set your group's name to the exact same thing as the role's name if you do not specify ids as an array of group ids. The guild owner has always permissions to use every command.


It's good practice to specify the ids in the group as well. Format is id:["groupidhere"]. That way you can be sure that only the groups you mean get access to it. Since if ids is left undefined, it'll use the group's name to find the id.


Please note that both groups and ids per group have default max limits set in config.json, to make sure that not too much ram is used. If you wish though, those can be freely changed.